Current Events

Anyone Going to this?

Writing for Fantasy Game Worlds

I think you need to get yourself on a list or something…

The next IGDA NYC chapter event will be held on Thursday, June 21st at the New School University, from 6:30 to 8:30 (with a networking after-party to follow). Please note that this is a new venue!

IGDA NYC Chapter and Writers Cabal present…

Writing for Fantasy Game Worlds

Moderated by Sande Chen

The panel will explore the overwhelming appeal of fantasy computer games and the importance of writing and story development in world building and player immersion. From pitch to production, from pen-and-paper and live-action to massively multiplayer game worlds, the panelists discuss the process of fantasy world building for original concepts or licensed properties. Furthermore, they elaborate on how story development can affect game system design, character design, and environments.

Panelists (Quick Take bios):

Daniel Greenberg – Free-lance Writer/Game Designer, Story/Tolkien Consultant, Lord of the Rings Online (among others)

John Boomershine – Writer and Content Designer, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, EA-Mythic

Jeff Gomez – CEO, Starlight Runner Entertainment; Story/World Design, Magic: The Gathering (among others)

Steve Balzac – LARP Writer/Game Designer, Society of Interactive Literature; Founder, MIT Assassin’s Guild (one of the earliest LARP groups in USA)

Here is the specific address:

Wollman Hall
65 West 11th St, 5th Floor
New York City, New York