
Readings for This Week

I’ve been meaning to post something about these two article for a few weeks now. I’ve finally decided to do so because I think that they’re somewhat pertinent to the discussion that has broken out over the subject of Oren’s timely post. Namely, the ongoing debate between Frank and David Sirlin over the way games express morals and ethics.

The first is an essay from Escapist Magazine by Marty O’ Hale about the Zelda franchise, but also the importance of looking outside of the industry for inspiration when it comes to game design. I think that this connects to our discussion because it makes the case that there is no one correct way of doing things, which I’m starting to believe is at the heart of what Frank has been saying (unless I’ve misunderstood him once again).

A Childhood in Hyrule

The next is an article that was in the New Yorker a few weeks back about Milton Bradley’s Game of Life, and its metamorphosis through the years. Game designers, it seems, have been thinking about morals and ethics for a very long time.

The scanned PDF is here.

P.S. I thought about calling this post New Games Journalism Goes Mainstream.