Both Frank Lantz and Noah Sasso have pointed me to a post up on David Sirlin’s personal blog in which he recounts his experience at the most recent Evolution Tournament in Las Vegas. Evolution (or EVO) is the biggest and most important fighting game tournament in the US and features a range of games from Street Fighter to Virtua Fighter to Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
What is most interesting in Sirlin’s post is when he talks about his new-found ability to perceive time as moving more slowly, in his words to “see more frames”. This is a fascinating idea and I think is an under appreciated role in the play of games. A large part of the mastery of any game is simply the ability to ‘see’ more, or with a much higher granularity, than your opponent.
David Sirlin created an entire game, Kongai, around his last obsession, the phenomenon of Yomi (or ‘second-guessing’). I wonder if he will eventually design a game that centers around its player’s ability to enter ‘deep focus’?