There’s a part of me that feels like this is very important.
I’m a long time reader of the New York Times, and I’ve watched them coming around on video games for the past couple of years. When they published Clive Thompson’s article on Peacemaker on the front page of the Arts section (not the Technology section), I felt like it was a turning point. I know I shouldn’t care about legitimacy so much, but part of me thinks that it isn’t just about pride. Legitimacy also brings opportunity; the more people who at least give gaming a second glance, the more interesting projects might get off the ground. The more people who are interested in the possibilities of games, the more variety of perspectives, the stronger the community becomes.
I’m not a big fan of Ian Bogost’s games or his theory, but I do think that on the whole the work he is doing is good for everyone. Hopefully he will continue to use his growing influence to open doors, to push the art form itself forward, along with his own games.